It is a rare moment, if ever, that you will hear about or see any activity from the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater in regards to legislation and politics. However, when legislation is proposed that will greatly impact this ministry and its mission, we have an obligation to address it.
The healthcare proposals that are currently floating around our Capitol certainly meet the conditions for a response from CPC. If these proposals are passed in their current form, then government health insurance will cover abortions. This is a very scary prospect, as it could usher in the Second Great Wave of Abortion in America. The first being the infamous Supreme Court decision
Roe vs. Wade.
It certainly does not take any elaborate studies to determine that abortions will increase with government-run healthcare. Common sense tells us that more abortions are inevitable when there is no perceived cost involved.
I recently read an article where
Representative Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) cited a Guttmacher Institute study that found "20%-35% of Medicaid eligible women who would choose abortion carry their pregnancies to term when public funds are not available."Currently, 1.2 million children lose their lives to abortion each year in the US. A 20% - 35% increase would mean an additional 240,000 to 420,000 more pre-born children would be aborted each year. In South Hampton Roads alone, almost 9,000 abortions are performed annually. Potentially, over 3,000 more preborn children could lose their lives locally.
It's heartbreaking to think about more lives lost and more women wounded by abortion. All of the progress that has been made nationally and locally could be reversed.
So, in the weeks and months to come, we think it is necessary to shine a light on areas of these proposals that impact the mission of this ministry.
This is a critical moment for America. Let’s pray together that our country moves towards embracing and protecting life, instead of creating legislation that will destroy more precious lives.
I hope you will frequent this blog and please share your thoughts.
For Life with you,

Toby DeBause