Friday, April 12, 2013

Urgent Message from Toby

Toby DeBause, President of Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater
When people ask me, "Where does CPC get their money from?" I always start where we don't receive funds.
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater isn't the recipient of  federal grants or allocations. And there's no national headquarters to depend on for quarterly installments.
As a Christ-centered ministry, we rely on God to move hearts. All of our funds come from people like you who care about His ministry, His people, His babies.
That's why the Walk for Life is so important. And that's why we need to let you know the challenge we're facing today.
As we are well into our Walk for Life campaign, we're only aware of $38,304.25 raised so far in pledges and donations. Our goal is $250,000, which is critical to this year's budget.
You are critical to meeting the needs of the moms and babies the Lord has entrusted to us.
There is only a short time left. If you haven't registered, do so today at And if you have registered as a fund-raising walker, thank you and please continue getting pledges from your friends and family. You are saving lives!
For LIFE with you,

Toby DeBause, President
P.S. - Remember, all you need to do is obtain a pledge. We make it easy by mailing donors a pledge statement after the Walk - you do NOT need to collect funds!

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